Researchers from The University of Edinburgh will take part in the 2020 Economic and Social Research Council's Festival of Social Science on 7-15 November. Researchers from The University of Edinburgh will take part in the 2020 Economic and Social Research Council's Festival of Social Science. The Festival is an annual celebration of the social sciences that takes place across the UK, with engaging events for everyone from school children to politicians. This year’s Festival week is 7-15 November, via predominantly virtual events. #ESRCFestival Find out more about our events in Edinburgh Recording Life during a Pandemic: The Lothian Video Diary Project The Lothian Video Diary Project will showcase the diverse range of voices and experiences of residents in Edinburgh and Lothians during the lockdown. You will hear about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as told by local residents in their own words. During the ESRC Festival week you can: Join a public, online event where you will discover these local stories of lockdown and interact with researchers on the project Find out how you could contribute your story to this unique project Explore an interactive digital map which marks significant places and local organisations mentioned in the diaries Go to the following website to find out how you can get involved: Follow them on Twitter for updates on their events and activities: @LothianLockdown #LothianLockdown Care Experienced Young People’s Mental Health During the ESRC Festival week, Dr Pearse McCusker and his team will work alongside care experience young people (CEYP) to deliver an interactive, live workshop for childcare social workers on mental health as well as a podcast for the public. This innovative project will combine CEYP’s views about their mental health, how it can be affected – including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic - and the types of support they find most effective. Social workers especially will learn from this, and research evidence, as to how CEYP’s mental health can be better supported. The Festival workshop activities will be invite-only and co-facilitated with care experienced young people. Watch this space for how to listen to the podcast! #ESRCFestival Publication date 29 Sep, 2020