Sypert Summer Concert - The Brook Street Band

The Brook Street Band come to Scotland for the first time as part of a spectacular series of summer concerts.

Brook Street Band

Dr George and Dr Joy Sypert, based in America but frequent visitors to Scotland, are generous supporters of the collection of musical instruments at St Cecilia’s Hall.  They also champion an annual series of early music concerts known as the ‘Sypert Summer Concert Series’. These have been running since 2009 and after a two-year hiatus due to the hall's refurbishment, they have returned for 2017.  

So far the series has offered the internationally-acclaimed young Italian group, Il Rossignolo as well as a concert of 18th century Scottish music by Ruth Slater (violin) and John Kitchen (organ)

The final concert in the 2017 series is coming from The Brook Street Band, an exemplary group of musicians who have established themselves as one of the UK’s leading Handel specialists.  The band was formed in 1996 by baroque cellist Tatty Theo and they took their name from the London street where composer Handel lived from 1723 – 1759.  We spoke to Tatty Theo last week about what to expect from their performance. 



This concert explores some of the classic repertoire from 3 titans of the baroque era, Bach, Handel and Telemann. It is in fact 250 years since Telemann’s death. It’s wonderful, vibrant, sensual music, and the Brook Street Band is renowned for its energetic and communicative performances, complete with verbal introductions to the music.

Tatty Theo
The Brook Street Band

 Tatty also expressed excitement for the band to be performing in a newly refurbished space, having only seen St Cecilia's Hall's beautiful pictures  online.  As a band, this is their first performance in Edinburgh so they are looking forward to bringing a bit of Brook Street to Niddry Street.


The Brook Street Band are performing at St Cecilia's Hall, Niddry Street, Edinburgh at 19.30 on Sunday 9th July.

Photo Credit: Dan Bridge


Event Details

 Book Tickets to see The Brook Street Band


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St Cecilia’s Hall