ESF 2019

The 2019 Edinburgh International Science Festival runs from 6 - 20 April

Family Festivities

The University of Edinburgh’s family programme for the Edinburgh Science Festival is returning to the National Museum of Edinburgh from the 6th – 20th April. Dr Janet Paterson of the University’s School of Biological Sciences has been running the programme for over a decade and it is always a huge success.

Family Festivities

The Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science

This year’s Tam Dalyell Prize will be awarded to Dr Steve Brusatte, the Chancellor's Fellow in Vertebrate Palaeontology at Edinburgh University.

The Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science

Whose Turn Is It Anyway?

Nina Fisher is a postdoctoral researcher based in the Psychology department working with Professor Martin Pickering and Dr Lauren Hadley. She is working on a project funded by the Leverhulme Trust which investigates turn-taking in language and in music.  As part of a public engagement outreach project, Nina and her colleagues came up with ‘It’s My Turn!’

Whose Turn Is It Anyway?