Director Katherine Newbigging talks about collaborating with the University of Edinburgh at the 2013 just Festival. HTML Video summary Katherine Newbigging describes just Festival and the important links it has with the University. Katherine says the just Festival is a celebration of faith and diversity that’s happening Edinburgh, the UK and the world today. Its aim is to enhance awareness of the faiths being practiced and to provide a safe space for people to explore different faiths and ask questions face-to-face to those that practice them. She says it is a festival for people to learn about faiths in a safe environment to celebrate the diversity in faith and cultures being practiced in Edinburgh today. This year there are a wide range of events on offer, from serious discussions about human trafficking to people having tea and piece of cake and some fun together. Katherine goes on to explain why the University plays a key role in the festival and how they have been building their links. She and her team have been working with the University’s Alwaleed Centre to bring an Imam and Rector down from Aberdeen to host an event together to talk about how Muslims and Christians can interact together in a peaceful an productive manner. Due to their work with the University Chaplaincy, they are putting a performance of the Soweto Melodic Voices. They are a group of young people who sing in a choir to raise money for those suffering from HIV and AIDs in Africa. Just Festival have also partnered with Divinity to curate an art exhibition called In Sight of Peace. They have an exhibition from Ian Berry, whose work explores democracy in South Africa from the Apartheid to modern day. Katherine goes on to say that the University plays a key role in the festival, bringing knowledge and opportunities to the events which help celebrate local work. just Festival website This article was published on 2024-10-29