Student Societies at the Fringe

Getting involved in the festivals has been voted one of the top ten favourite experiences from Edinburgh graduates’ time at University.

Ada cast

As well as enjoying events and working at the variety of venues that open during August, many take the unique opportunity perform in the world’s largest arts festival.

A number of EUSA societies wrote and produced plays, musicals and comedy acts, performed at the 2015 Festival Fringe.


Edinburgh University Theatre Company (EUTC) performed Ada, a show centred on the nineteenth century mathematician and world’s first computer programmer, Ada Lovelace. This year marks the 200th anniversary of her birth.

Ada was performed at Bedlam Theatre 8 - 30 August (excluding Wednesdays). Previews were on 5 - 6 August.

It is truly wonderful that we have the opportunity to share the wonderful work the company makes all year on a Fringe stage. As a maths student, I honestly never thought I would end up bringing theatre and mathematics together, but thanks to the EUTC and the University I have been able to. I am beyond grateful for everything both the University and the EUTC have given me, and the University’s continued and unwavering support has given me and so many others such a set of fantastic and life-changing experiences.

Melanie Phillips
Ada director

After a sell-out run of Avenue Q last Fringe, EUSOG returned this year with a production of Little Shop of Horrors.

EUSOG performed the musical 17 - 30 August (excluding 23 August) at Paradise in Augustines.

EUSA Societies

The Edinburgh University Students' Association has over 240 student societies.

EUSA societies


The University’s improvised comedy troupe The Improverts were back with shows every night from 5 - 30 August at Bedlam Theatre.

The Edinburgh Revue performed stand-up shows every afternoon from 5 - 31 August (excluding the 19th).

The comedy group also put on sketch shows titled Sketches in Scarlet, on at 2:30pm from 8 - 29 August (excluding Wednesdays).