Postgrad plays performed at Fringe

Pre-View featured the works of MSc in Playwriting students.

Current Masters students Helene Cloete, Jackie Crichton, Deb Jones and Charlotte Laidig were the four students whose works were performed.

Extracts from their plays were performed as script-in-hand readings by a group of professional actors.

The plays centred on a range of characters - a games designer, a prisoner, a clown and six victims forced to fight to death.

Having their work performed as part of the Fringe was a great opportunity for these students, but the prospect was a bit daunting.

For Masters student Jackie Crichton, the experience was "terrifying on a fundamental level but in a good, opportunity-laden kind of way."

Pre-View took place at the Traverse Theatre on 11th and 18th August at 7:30pm.


Below, MSc in Playwriting students discuss the course and having their plays performed at the Traverse.