ESF 2017

The 2017 Edinburgh International Science Festival ran from 1 - 16 April.

Tell us about your event

We talked to the University of Edinburgh community about their participation in the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

Edinburgh International Science Festival highlights

Professor Mary Bownes, Professor Emerita of Developmental Biology, helps coordinate the University's contribution to the Edinburgh International Science Festival. As the 2017 festivities draw to a close, she shares her impressions.

Science Festival Interview with Professor Mary Bownes

Tam Dalyell Prize Lecture

Jon Oberlander, Professor of Epistemics in the School of Informatics, is the winner of this year's Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science, the University award for public engagement.

Science Festival Interview with Professor Jon Oberlander

Contemporary Connections and Tundra Shrubs

Isla Myers-Smith, Chancellor's Fellow in the School of Geosciences, studies the impact of a warming climate on shrub plants in the Arctic - the trees of the tundra.

Science Festival Interview with Isla Myers-Smith

The Sound Revolution

Dr Martin Parker, Director of Outreach at the Reid School of Music, joins Anne La Berge, Christos Michalakos and Ben Schogler to explore the ongoing influence of digital technology on music. 

8pm, 12 April, Summerhall

Science Festival Interview with Dr Martin Parker

Why Places Matter for Mental Wellbeing

Professor Jamie Pearce of the School of GeoSciences and Professor Sarah Curtis of Durham University will join a discussion of how our surroundings affect our health, Why Places Matter for our Wellbeing.

5.30pm, 11 April, Summerhall

Science Festival Interview with Jamie Pearce and Sarah Curtis

Isaac's Eye

Carmen Marcon is the director of Isaac’s Eye, a contemporary play on the life of a young Isaac Newton and his transformation into a great scientific thinker. The production is presented by Bedlam Theatre and the Edinburgh University Theatre Company in collaboration with the Carol Tambor Theatrical Foundation and the University of Edinburgh. 

7.30pm, 7-15 April (not Monday 10 April), Bedlam Theatre

Science Festival Interview with Carmen Marcon

Wearables That Snitch On Us

Paul Patras, Lecturer in the School of Informatics, gives insight into the privacy risks posed by internet connected wearable devices when he presents the BCS Sidney Michaelson Memorial Lecture, Wearables That Snitch on Us.

8pm, Monday 3 April, Summerhall

Science Festival Interview with Paul Patras

Test Tube to YouTube

Dr Walid Magdy, Lecturer in the School of Informatics, joins a panel of experts for Test Tube to YouTube – an examination of the behind-the-scenes factors that influence our social media feeds.

8pm, Saturday 1 April, Summerhall

Science Festival Interview with Dr Walid Magdy