Edinburgh academics at Festival of Politics

Academics took part in events focusing on the Democratic Challenge and Arab Spring.

On 14 August, Professor Nicola McEwen, Associate Director, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Scottish Centre on Constitutional Change, and Dr Jan Eichhorn, Chancellor’s Fellow in Social Policy, served as panellists for The Democratic Challenge, where they discussed the importance of voting and how a younger generation can drive the democratic process.

Being able to speak at events such as the Festival of Politics allows us to engage in conversations about our research with more people and learn ourselves from the experiences of different people and practitioners. In particular our cooperation with teachers and school students has been instructive in our work and something that enriches our ability to produce useful outputs.

Dr Jan Eichhorn
Chancellor's Fellow in Social Policy

On 15 August, Dr Anthony Gorman of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies served on a panel discussing how the Arab Spring has affected the social and economic realities of the Middle East.

Show information

The Democratic Challenge

Friday 14 August 2015, 4.30pm - 6.00pm

The Scottish Parliament

Tickets: £6, £4 concession.

Location information

Information on Festival of Politics website

What happened to the Arab Spring?

Saturday 15 August 2015, 3.30pm - 5.00pm

The Scottish Parliament

Tickets: £6, £4 concession.

Location information

Information on Festival of Politics website

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